Utility Billing
(consult your reference manual for more information on these topics)
If entering meter readings manually, you can change the previous reading if needed by selecting
"Edit". Also customer accts "comments" can be updated by selecting the "Edit Comnts" command.
After entering meter readings you can, using the Print - Report routine, get a list of just readings
that are unusually high or low or you can get a list of all readings.
You can "estimate" single readings or a range of customer readings.
You should always correct customer balances with a "posting". Just changing the balance will
result in the distribution or history being incorrect.
If when posting a deposit refund check to a customer you select "Deposit" as the "Pstg Type",
the deposit will be taken off the Customer Acct, deposit applied info is updated on the Customer
Acct, and "DEPOSIT APPLIED" will be reflected in the history.
When posting a partial payment the program needs to know how to apply to the unpaid items
(water, sewer, etc). The program allows three options in this case.... "Fixed" which means the
payment will applied to the oldest items first, "Proportional" which means that an equal percent
will be applied to each unpaid item, and "Manual" where user manually enters how much to
apply to each unpaid item (F4 will insert the unpaid amount into the apply amount automatically).
One of these methods is set as a default but the method can be changed at time of posting.
If an account is billed in error , simply post a "Credit Adjustment" to adjust the balance. You still
must "Print" a list and "Transfer" like you would a payment run. Adjustments would normally be
posted separately from payments.
Unless you are consciously accumulating postings for the month, be sure and perform "Remove"
before starting a posting run. If you forget, it is no big deal. But if you go weeks and months
without clearing, the posting file will get very large making the daily payment print and transfer
take longer than necessary.
When printing a payment revenue report (Posting Transfer) you must first print totals with no
customer update. This way if there is something unusual about the totals you can do something
about it before updating. If for some reason the totals do not get printed, use the "Print Last
Totals" option.
You can add a new zip code when adding a new customer. Simply select the "Zip Cd" command
when adding or editing the customer account.
Using "Manual Bills" you can bill a customer for any amount desired either on a one-time basis or
on a permanent basis.
In History "Print - Report" there is a Ledger option. This allows user to print or view history in a
"ledger" format showing the balance as of each transaction. This program can be accessed from
the Customer Accts screen or from History.
Also in History "Print - Report" there is an Average option. This allows user to print or view a
customer’s average bill for any date specified.
Also in History "Print - Report" there is a Consumption Rng report that allows user to get usage
by up to 12 ranges of consumption at a time. This may be run for any range of dates that is in
history. This is convenient when someone needs to know the usage, dollars billed, and number
of customers you have that fall within ranges of consumptions (ex: 0-1000, 1001-3000,
3001-5000, 5000-7000, 7001-99999999). Also in History "Print - Report" there is a History
Balances report that allows user to print balances "thru" a specific date. For example your auditor
wants a list of balances due thru the end of the prior fiscal year. You did not print or keep a report
from that period and using the Aging Rept only prints balances as they are currently. Therefore
this routine can be used to "calculate" the history thru the date needed.
When assessing penalties you should first print a journal (no update), check it, and then run it
again with update. You can also “exclude” up to 30 account#s.
The “Distribution” program is helpful since it shows the unpaid items that comprises a given
balance. This is sometimes more helpful than the history file. Once a month you should print a
"Verify" report using "Print - Report" (found on the Distribution screen). This verifies that each
customer’s total balance equals their distribution balance components. If anyone appears on the
report you should call GFC Data Systems.
When an account is finaled out, you should change their status code to "Final" or "Temp Final"
(as well as change the mailing address, current reading, and current read date). If you want to
make the account# available to the next person moving in to the address, then change the
read-out acct# to end in “.0A” or “.01".
Billing statements may be printed on pre-printed postcards or 8 1/2 x 11" tri-fold paper.
All statements and billing journals should be printed before performing the billing update. Also
user should have a current backup on-hand before starting the update.
When printing bills user selects either "Acct Order" or "Zip-Postal Order" to determine the print
sequence. There is also a "Non-Sequential" option which allows user to enter random acct#s.
If desired (and there is room available on your bills) you can print the amount of the customer’s
last payment on the utility bill. This is determined by a setting in Options - Statements/Jrnl. You
can also program the system to print the customer's deposit amount on a final bill to show how
much the customer will owe after the deposit is applied.
If using tri-fold statements an "image" (bitmap clip art) may print on the form.
If you use postcard stmts and are having "continuation" bills, you can increase the number of
lines that will fit by lowering the font size. For example at Arial font size 10 seven lines will fit but
eight lines will fit when the font size is 9 (and nine lines will fit at font size 8).
After meter readings are read (and before bills are printed or updated) you may have someone
call wanting to know the amount of their next bill. You can easily get this by selecting
"View Statement" which can be accessed from the Customer screen or from the Statement/Jrnl
program. NOTE: the amounts displayed are meaningful only if a current reading has already been
If you need a list of customer acct#s, names, addresses, etc. you may use the "Customer" report
(found under "Reports". This list may be customized to print only water accts, only commercial
accts, only active accts, etc depending upon how questions are answered.
If you need a list of customers who have a specific bill code, there is a program under Reports
named Customer Bill Code Rept. This prints all customers who have bill codes (as defined by the
user) and prints the specific rate. For example this would be handy for trash customers to show
which code and rate each customer is billed.
There is a program under "Reports" to print a list of customer deposits.
If you need to search for a customer by their meter no (serial# on meter) you can go to the
program under Reports named "Meter Dates". User would enter the serial# in the field named
"Meter #". If the info should display to the screen then click on "Print to Screen" first.
There is a label preparation program under “Reports”. This program allows the printing of labels
with the service or mailing address. A range of accts may be entered or non-sequential acct#s
may be entered. Label margin settings are stored under “Options-General”.
After changing water. gas, or electric rates (using the Billing Codes program) you should do
some testing to make sure that the rates have been changed correctly. One way would be
to use the "Calculate" routine found in Billing Codes where user can choose a bill code and
enter a test consumption to calculate an amount. If current rdngs have been entered user
can also use "View Stmts" (found under Customer Accts and Statements/Jrnl) to view a
calculated statement.
Printer names, fonts, and font sizes can be customized for each report. To change these values
without printing, make changes and select "Set". CAUTION: installing a new printer without
uninstalling the old printer can change the default printer values.
Budgetary Accounting
(Consult your reference manual for more information concerning the below topics)
PO numbers may be automatic or entered by the user.
When entering a PO, if the vendor or budget acct numbers are not known, the “Look Up”
command may be selected to display a list. If performing a Vendor LookUp user may search based
on a "keyword". When entering a slash followed by the keyword only vendors who have the
keyword somewhere within the name will display. For example entering "/PARTS" will display only
vendors who have the word PARTS somewhere within the name.
If you use AP/Ck/Adj Transfer to move purchase orders over into Accts Payable but there are
some purchase orders which should not be moved user should uncheck the box “Tsfr to AP”.
If any POs have already been paid by check user may uncheck "Tsfr to AP", check "Manual Ck",
and enter the check#. Then when using the AP/Ck/Adj Transfer program the program can create
a manual ck posting.
When entering each detail line on a PO, pressing F4 key will repeat the info from the previous
line. For example if the description on the second line is the same as the first line, user may press
F4 from the desc column to repeat it.
Once a PO form is printed it is flagged as “Printed”. Therefore the PO will not print again unless
“Include Printed” is checked on the “Print” screen. This should help avoid accidentally printing a
PO more than once.
Once a PO form is paid it is flagged as “Closed”. Consequently the PO will not print again unless
“Include Closed” is checked on the “Print” screen.
POs may be closed into Accts Payable by one of two methods....1) using the “AP/Ck/Adj Transfer"
command which moves records automatically and 2) closing out POs one a time in Accts Payable.
Existing POs may be displayed to the screen by clicking on “Look Up” while the cursor is in the
PO#field. Optionally user, while in the PO# field, may press UP or Down arrows to scroll thru PO
records. Once a PO is displayed it is automatically in the “edit” mode where user can either add
an additional line or click on an existing record to make changes.
Most Accts Payable entries can come across automatically from the purchase order file. However
user also enter entries directly into Accts Payable without doing a purchase order.
When posting, if a vendor or budget acct number is not known, user may perform a “Look Up”.
If performing a Vendor LookUp user may search based on a "keyword". When entering a slash
followed by the keyword only vendors who have the keyword somewhere within the name
will display. For example entering "/PARTS" will display only vendors who have the word PARTS
some where within the name.
Existing Payables may be displayed to the screen by using UP or Down arrows to scroll thru
records. Once a vendor’s payable records are displayed it is automatically in the “edit” mode
where user can either add an additional line or click on an existing record to make changes.
It is highly recommended that an “AP List” be printed before printing checks. If there are any
problems or mistakes it will be evident from the list. Then the problem can be resolved before
the checks are printed.
This program allows user to post revenue (Sales Tax, Interest, Permits, Fees, etc). Some
types of receipts may come automatically from other programs such as the front counter
receipting and utility billing programs.
Receipt ref#s can be automatic or entered by the user. The vendor# can display automatically
or be entered by the user.
The program allows entering multiple entries from your deposit or receipt form.
When entering records, if a revenue acct number is not known, user may perform a
“Look Up”.
This program allows user to post adjustments (corrections, transfers, etc).
Adjustment ref#s can be automatic or entered by the user. The vendor# can display
automatically or be entered by the user.
The program requires user to enter an equal amount of debits and credits.
When entering records, if an acct number is not known, user may perform a “Look Up”.
Existing accounts may be accessed by number or name. Use “LookUp” to get a list of
When an account is added it is important that the correct “type” code be entered. This
code determines whether an acct will be zeroed out at the end of the year or not.
The “History” command will display records for a specified budget acct for all fiscal years,
the current fiscal year, the current month, or selected records.
Any time user adds a new budget acct, the acct would normally be added to the Report
Format file that you want it to appear in.
Existing vendors may be accessed by number or name. Use “LookUp” to get a list of
The “History” command will display records for a specified vendor acct for all fiscal years,
the current fiscal year, the current month, or selected records.
When adding a new Vendor (using Add), user can select “Next” to use the next vendor
number (highest existing number + 1).
Any time user adds a new budget acct, the acct is normally added to any report format
file that you want it to appear in.
The "Budget" report is useful when needing to see the month-to-date and year-to-date
activity for budget accts. The Report Format file generates the format of the report. When
printing this report there is an “Encumbrance” option. Selecting this option will cause the
program to also include any POs for an acct on the report in a separate column.
The "Prior Year Compare" report is useful when needing to compare YTD amounts for this
year with the YTD thru the same month for a prior year. For example if running the report
thru 08/2013 the program would automatically also include 08/2012 unless user specifies
a different prior year.
If user prints a Balance Sheet (where assets = liabilities) and user goes back to a prior
month and makes changes to additional entries, the Balance Sheet for that month and
every month afterwards should be re-printed. If not, the Balance Sheet for every month
after the month being changed will be out of balance. Generally prior month corrections
should be made in the current month to avoid this problem.
The Detail Ledger report is useful when needing to see the detail for a given budget acct
or vendor. This report can be printed for any range of acct# or vendor and for multiple
months. If printing for multiple months user may also get a subtotal between each month.
This program’s purpose is to reconcile the difference between the balance of the bank acct
as stored in the computer as opposed to the balance on your bank stmt. Usually the
difference is uncleared checks which the program tracks for you. Receipts (deposits) can
also be moved into Reconcile and marked as cleared. If you would like more info on this
program please contact GFC Data Systems or print recap instructions found under
This program allows user to enter “proposed” budget amounts, print them, and move them
into the regular budget file when the new fiscal year begins. If you would like more info on
this program please contact GFC Data Systems.
To change the Mo-Yr (without exiting the program) click on the "Calculator" icon on the upper
left corner of the screen.
Printers names, fonts, and font sizes can be customized for each report. To change without
printing the report, make the changes and click on "Set". CAUTION: installing a new printer
without uninstalling an old printer can change the default printer values.
(consult your reference manual for more information on these topics)
When entering pay records, user may code some pay lines as Sick Pay or Vac Pay. If not
specified the program assumes Reg Pay. Then when printing pay checks or notices the
appropriate pay catgy is included.
If tracking Vac and Sick units, when entering pay records user may enter the "Units Used".
When entering pay records, changes to the employee's salary or rate of pay, # of dependents
and marital status, etc can be a changed permanently or not. This is determined by a Setup
You should always print a list of pay records and check it before printing checks and/or pay
If you use benefit codes, be sure and calculate and print the Benefits Rept before updating
the Payroll.